My Attitude

Giving up doesn't mean that you are weak,..
sometimes it just means you are strong enough to let go!!!

Sorry,..Blame on me

As life goes on,..
I came to know more about responsibility,..
Then i realized that everything i do was affecting the people around,..
So i take this time out to apologize to the things i done,..
i haven't occur'd yet,..and
the things they don take responsibility for,..
So, can the Blame on me,..!!!

Latest Mobile Trendz

Hello Friends,..
        These are the latest upcoming phones in India,..

Websites for Question Bank for Vth Sem

Hello My dear Friends,..
Check out these websites while preparing for university exam(Vth Semester)
Principles of Management-

Measurements and instrumentation-

Computer Networks-

Digital Siganl Procesing-

Microprocessors and applications-

Transmission Lines and Waveguides-

Windows 7 New Techniq

Hello everyone, I found this little hack online and I felt I should share it with you. This only works on windows 7.

1.First make a folder

2.Rename it to this - GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

3.The folder should change to a icon.

4.Now when you click on it, it will bring up a great list of options, and tweaks to do with windows 7.

Hope you guys like this. I know that it is not neccesarily a real hack but I thought it was cool.